tl;dr I've replaced myself with a soulless, automated karaoke archive distribution system.

After making my announcement post over a month ago, I figured I'd try putting something together. I just can't get myself to leave you guys archiveless, heh.

Since this thing isn't constrained by human waking hours, archives of future Justice karaokes will (should) also be available.

While my posting activities will still mostly conclude after 2025-01-01 (burger timezones; may extend my stay a bit to see Fauna out) and I'll no longer be providing set lists, I'm hoping this setup allows people to continue being able to obtain unarchived karaoke streams in a reliable and timely manner. Existing torrents will remain seeded for the forseeable future.

Note that YouTube may break archiving tools at any time. While I'll try to keep up with issues as they arise, it's ultimately a oneguy volunteer operation. There's also always a possibility that this setup misses a stream or outright breaks in the future.

I've always said that it's good to have redundancy in archiving. Don't get complacent. Also seed, because otherwise these files are one house fire / natural disaster away from being gone.

If you'd like to archive stuff yourself, I regularly use the following (multiple in case one fails):

Updated 2025-02-24: If for some reason you want to operate a similar service or if you're just wondering how it all works, I've released the automation tooling at

Thanks for letting me serve the lot of (You)s over the past four years; I see the replies and know that the posts make their way to splits and undoubtedly reach other places.
And special shout outs to Kethsar, lytexx, the archiving IRyStocrat/Rosarian, the hooman(s?) that report fragment counts of their archives, and the Justice archiver as well. (If I forgot anyone sorryません.)

Shit. I forgot about the people maintaining the TeamUp calendars. Those have been extremely useful for keeping tabs on things without waiting rooms.

See you around. (I'll be I was at GriMoire.)

= w=)b

also this page is supposed to look slightly better but I procrastinated on setting it up until the last second. this is why I've been up for 21 hours leading up to the BaeRyS karaoke.

and it's supposed to be automatic but yeah… work in progress actually. things may shift around a bit while I work on a good layout. hopefully I'm awake in time for fuwamoco's later

(To the directory listing.)